Ceppo 900
Ceppo 900 terrazzo features a blend of warm gray tones, earthy browns, and specks of cream and purple. The overall color scheme of Ceppo 900 terrazzo is reminiscent of natural stone, with variations in hues that give it a textured and organic look.
▪ Honed & Brushed
▪ Made in Italy
Ceppo 900 terrazzo features a blend of warm gray tones, earthy browns, and specks of cream and purple. The overall color scheme of Ceppo 900 terrazzo is reminiscent of natural stone, with variations in hues that give it a textured and organic look.
▪ Honed & Brushed
▪ Made in Italy
Ceppo 900 terrazzo features a blend of warm gray tones, earthy browns, and specks of cream and purple. The overall color scheme of Ceppo 900 terrazzo is reminiscent of natural stone, with variations in hues that give it a textured and organic look.
▪ Honed & Brushed
▪ Made in Italy
Applications & Sizes
Countertop, Splashback, Floor, Wall, Cladding, External & Furniture
▪12 Weeks Lead Time
▪Slip Rating R9 & R10
▪No Minimum Order
▪Additional Sizes by Request
Additional Finishes by Special Order